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Towards understanding the temporal dimension of the invasion process: implications for restoration



The inspiration for the TEMPOINVASIONS projects stems from the need offor a robust strategy to organise and standardise long-term ecological datasets, especially for introduced species. The TEMPOINVASIONS project aims  to  develop  a methodology to characterise the initial introduction and expansion of  non-indigenous species (NIS).  With this project we will are working with colleagues at the CEAB-CSIC in Blanes, University of Southampton, University of Oxford, Universidad de La Laguna, and University of Copenhagen. 


Recently, it has been recognised the importance of incorporating ecological history (e.g. baselines or reference conditions) in environmental policy such as in the conceptual framework for the 2019 IPBES global assessment report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services has been recognised. Yet, it is still lacking a robust strategy to organise and standardise long-term ecological datasets. The TEMPOINVASIONS project will overcome this challenge focusing on understanding 600 years of trajectories of NIS since their initial arrival and widespreadexpansion, when the first major translocation of marine species occurred in the XV century due to the exploration voyages across the Atlantic Ocean. The NIS data will be integrated with marine biodiversity data and with time-series of pollutants and nutrients.


Sandra Nogué

PI / Team leader

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Erik de Boer




Elena Baños

PhD student


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Marc Rius



Core team

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